Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ann: Getting Connected

In addition to wearing matching (almost) coveralls, Mariam and I found Newark Art Supply and the cool ACE hardware store on Lafayette with a 10% discount. Why a discount, I asked? Because it's spring? because they've heard about the matching coveralls? The man at the register wouldn't say... but I was grateful, regardless and I'll be back.
(Mariam on the left, Ann on the right)

We loaded up on supplies and Mariam learned to prime canvas.  I learned, or was reminded, that the Airport Express can't wirelessly boost an existing wireless network. (Fail!).
But with a few pie tins and a pringles can we could really have something here.
Cantenna, anyone?
(image from

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Ann!

    re Foxfire (not Firefox) style web for the gallery:

    While sometimes I think that the privileging of necessary inventions by the world's various communities is sort of creepy and indicates near-total loss of skills other than consumption in industrialized nations....(Marc Jacobs/Russian Prison Tattoos/Urban Outfitters)

    I am a fan of
    and similar projects, especially those that share diagrams.
