Sunday, July 29, 2012

Inspiration for a drawing-in-progress
I can't believe the six months is almost over! It really has flown by and I'm feeling pressure from myself to complete one more thing before I leave. I had a ghost drawing sit on my desk for literally a month before it was time to make some tangible marks. I would just work on other drawings around it, on it, next to it, but couldn't quite bring myself to 'begin' 'it'. I think I psyched myself out. Had just finished another fairly large drawing and was afraid to do it again, only better. Finally, I made my moves and I'll be scratching away at the surface over these next few weeks trying to get somewhere.

Looking forward to meeting with everyone this week. We keep such different schedules, so it'll be nice to all be in the same place at the same time. I'm excited to see what everyone has been up to!

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